
The General Conference of UNESCO, at its 21st session, adopted unanimously the right to the free association of the staff of the Organization. The decision of the General Conference renders full meaning to the resolution adopted by the Federation of International Civil Servants’ Associations (FICSA) in 1979, on the proposal of the UNESCO Staff Association, affirming the right of international civil servants “to form and join the staff association or union of their choice”.

The objectives of ISAU as defined by its Statutes:

  • to foster equal participation by all geo-cultural groups in joint activities within the Secretariat;
  • to help improve the working conditions of the staff both at Headquarters and away from Headquarters, both collectively and individually, in a non-discriminatory and equitable way;
  • to defend the legitimate collective and individual interests of staff members of the Organization, and their independence and integrity as international civil servants, and to this end to cooperate with the various bodies (representing staff and former officials of international and other organizations) having objectives similar to those of ISAU;
  • to work unremittingly for unity in diversity among the members of the Secretariat, so as to improve mutual understanding and appreciation of the various cultures, and develop the international spirit among the staff both at Headquarters and away from Headquarters;
  • to afford aid and assistance to its members at Headquarters and away from Headquarters;
  • to support actively and help to achieve the ideals and fundamental objectives of the Convention setting up the Organization and underlying its programmes.

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