Belgrade Resolution

“Unesco Clubs and Associations

The General Conference,

Considering the growing importance of the Unesco Clubs and Associations movement in making Unesco better known to the public and in associating an increasing number of groups in its work,

Recalling that the First World Congress of Unesco Clubs, held in April 1978, unanimously decided to found the World Federation of Unesco Clubs and Associations,

Noting that this World Federation will be effectively set up in 1981,

  1. Thanks the Director-General for the moral support and technical and financial assistance given both to the Clubs and Associations of the world and to the establishment of the World Federation, in pursuance, in particular, of resolution 6/32 adopted by the General Conference at its twentieth session;
  2. Authorizes the Director-General to continue to implement 20C/Resolution 6/32 so that the World Federation can operate to the best effect, thus ensuring Unesco the support of young people, men and women from all socio-cultural environments;
  3. Invites the National Commissions to make efforts to increase their assistance to Unesco Clubs and Associations in their respective countries, and to give full support to the establishment and operation of the World Federation of Unesco Clubs and Associations.”

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