“De Tout Choeur”

On 19 January 2017, it was cold outside, but warm in the hearts of the audience, at UNESCO Headquarters, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the International Philharmonic Choir.

In the presence of many representatives of UNESCO and ISAU, the International Philharmonic Choir performed a varied programme, which delighted the public, adepts and amateurs alike.

After a beautifully sung Misa Criolla, in a welcoming atmosphere for oratorios led by the soloists, Amine Kouider conducted the Choir, ending on a note of joy with famous opera arias, joined in unison by the enthusiastic audience.

It was a very beautiful evening, in which the International Philharmonic Choir, UNESCO Artist for Peace, joyfully shared its values of openness and commitment to its mission: music for intercultural dialogue.


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