Dear Colleagues, Members and Activists of ISAU,

We are pleased to present to you the list of 21 candidates standing for the statutory elections to renew ISAU’s governing bodies for 2022-2024. The candidates coming from the five geo-cultural groups and of 12 different nationalities reflect the diversity of our Association. The elections will take place from Monday 27 June at 10.00 am to Tuesday 28 June 2022 at 5.00 pm (Paris time) electronically.

The election shall be held by universal suffrage for each of the bodies to which the different candidates will have applied, i.e. membership of the Collegium only; membership of the Collegium and the Executive; or candidate as the President of the Association, and therefore ex- officio member of the Collegium and the Executive.

Only members up to date with their membership fees are eligible to vote. Colleagues who are not yet members but wish to participate in the elections are invited to join ISAU by 23 June 2022. You will find attached our membership form.

ISAU Secretariat


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